Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February 22nd Trivia was Bitter Sweet

Last weeks Trivia was GREAT in that we took 1st place!  We were missing almost the whole team due to our Sweetheart Mike having surgery.  He did text us during trivia to let us know that he was doing alright and wished us luck.  It's going to be different not having him there for a couple of times, but he in NO WAY is getting out of the team!  So hurry back Mike!  BTW....Stephine ask about you too, so she missed you as well.

Owen and Steve really knocked out some tough computation this week.  Winning against 9 other teams wasn't easy.  We had the smallest team with only the 3 of us and the largest team having over 11 team members playing...wow, they were tough too.  Too bad they didn't know the final 20 point question that could have saved their butts!  I'm glad they didn't know, because I really wanted to win 1st place and show them we could still BRING IT!  I guess that's the high competitiveness in me...hey, it could be worse, right?

Well it's time to get out the door and make my deliveries so that I'm not late to Trivia tonight...See you all there.

Hugs to Mike and let me know who all is going to be there tonight so that we can get a table early.  I'm starving!