Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 10, 2011

Last week we didn't have any trivia at Las Trojas.  Due to all the damage from the many tornado's and the power outage all week.  I have thought about posting some of the pictures, however it just doesn't seem like something I want to add on here.  Most of us have viewed the damage enough.  If you ever want to see it, just go on YouTube and search "Alabama tornado 2011"  There are tons of them on there.  Warning:  some of them are stressful, so don't say I didn't warn you!

Now on to this weeks trivia.  Tonight it was only the famous 4 of us playing and taking on the other teams.  There was Owen, Mike, Steve and myself.  We were all there and seated by roughly 6:45pm.  We saw the speakers all set up and then noticed that our friends who host the game were not around.  So we waited a while and decided about 7:15 that trivia must be off for the night.  Owen had a back up game of Trivia cards in his car which he went out and brought in for us to play.  By the time we had our drinks and placed our food order, we were ready to play.  Steve suggested that we hijack the mic and play our own version of Live trivia.  In looking back I can see how much fun that would have been talking about that night forever.  Don't worry, we didn't try it, mostly because the rest of us didn't have as good a drink as Steve had :-)   I'm thinking now that we should have done it anyways.  Maybe next time I will be brave enough to back up the idea.  So Steve, don't give up on the rest of us for being a little chicken to jump in on the idea. 
Well about 7:30ish, the trivia music began to play and we all were surprised that we were going to have a host after all and it was GAME ON!  So we put aside our trivia card game and were ready to rock and roll. 

We started out missing every one of the 2 point questions in the first 3 rounds, but if you have to miss one, that's it!  At the half time we were in the lead with 36 points.  Rapid round 4 didn't go as well as we hoped it would with us only gaining 10 points of the 18 possible.  So we had to try harder in the last round.  We did good and it was time for the Final question of the night.  OH wait, it was good until we hear that we somehow dropped to 5th place and the score doesn't match what we have...this will never do.  We all quickly go over the sheet again and then again....Nope, it's got to be a mistake, so as I had in the answer to the final question, I ask the hosts to help me sort it all out.  Much to our happy smiles, we are back in the lead with 61 points.  Now we wait to see if we get to hold the title of 1st place again this week....The final Question of the night was one that the guys knew without a doubt and we bet the max.  Bringing our score to a grand total of 81 points and the winning championship victory again this week!

I'm sorry to say that with all the celebrating, I missed the final score for 2nd place and the teams name, so if anyone remembers, post it for us in the comments please. 
3rd place went to a team from Boeing...The Water Buffalo's
Our new Host Mike brought us the winnings and I gladly accepted for a chance with a picture for our blog.  Yeah, I know, I'm a nut, but what did you really expect?
For our friends who are working tonight.... WE miss you guys!!!!!!!!!!  Now next week, I have a band concert to attend for my oldest, so some of you have to take notes and do the blog for us all.....don't let me down guys. 

PS...Don't forget to vote before tomorrow on the blogs trivia question.  Now I'm off here to shower and head down to the AL Spy Shop and hang out with Brett & Tim...stop by and see me....PLEASE

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Answer to the last poll that was posted:

At long last, the correct answer to the trivia poll that has been on the blog since I think March.

The world's first Electric Trolley System was introduced in Montgomery in which year?

The answer is:  The world's first Electric Trolley System was introduced in Montgomery in 1886. 

Information courtsy of:

I will try and update this a little better in the future.  I think some of the team members are going to  have to learn to blog some! 

Ending April Trivia, see you in May

April 19th: 
We started off doing alright tonight, even if I didn't know that the lowest prime number is 2....I thought 1 went into everything!  Oh well.  On tonights team is:  Drew, Mackenzie, Owen, Mike, Steve and myself.
The team "Regular Girls" was holding a perfect score all the way up to the Rapid Rounds, some where in there, they lost out. 
For some reason, I don't know how many teams were playing  tonight. However I do know we were all enjoying the compitition of some friendly teams. Our team was holding on all the way to Rapid round number 5 when the following happened:

Since the rules are "Wheither I'm wrong or right, I'm always right" for the Host of trivia, we lost one of the questions on Deserts that could have put us in a tie for 3rd place.  However in the defence of the Host, he was going by a printout.  Speaking of Hosts, As I understand it, our host tonight was the Owner of  So  there you have it folks...He does work. (He is the only guy in the picture) sorry, didn't get one of just him.

 We will be back again next week to win some more Las Trojas certificates.
Oh, the winning teams tonight were: 
3rd Place:    Mombo #5
2nd Place:    Bad Idea
1st Place:  Unknowns 
It was real close on tonights game, with the 1st place team only 2 points in the lead.  Congrats to all the teams.  See you next week!

April 26th:

We have the same team members as last week we are all geared up and ready to win!
Tonight for the first time EVER we scored a perfect 10 on the half time question!!!!  We could name all 6 of the places in the ....Great song by the way.  (yes, you have to click the link to know the song and who it's by :)

We have 13 teams playing tonight and our Hosts are the wonderful Lisa and Barbra who have been doing this for a while now. 

Tug of war is one of the oldest games of team strength still played at school field days.  I've always been a BIG fan of this game.  Mostly because it requires everyone on the team to put all their efforts in to win.
To my surprise the guys all knew this one: 
The Simpsons has been dropped from morning TV in Venezuela after being deemed unsuitable for children - and has been replaced by Baywatch.  LIKE I want my children watching baywatch...NOT.
Sorry, personal view expressed on that one ;)  as if this whole blog doesn't have personal view all over it...LOL.
Now, back to the real reason you are reading this....TRIVIA
the Final Question in tonights game was to name the 5 Beaches on the D-Day Invasion from West to East:
The correct answer is: Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, Gold Beach, Sword Beach, and Juno Beach
And you know we took 1st Place tonight....oh yeah!

Tonights winning teams were:

3rd place:  Baby Monkey with 90 points
2nd place:  Hot & Spicy with 92 points
1st place: yours truely....ROMERO'S REJECTS!!!! with 93 points

Yeah, I know it was only by 1 point, but thats all it takes, right?  See you all next time...MUAH