A few of us all got together for a movie and then decided to go play trivia at Las Trojas. Zack is our host and there are 10 teams playing. Our team tonight is made up of Mike, Steve, myself and Amanda.
We started out only getting the 6 point questions correct on the first 2 rounds and were thinking we was really in a slump. However, that started to turn around in the 3rd round and we started pulling back into the game some. At half time we were all the way down in 6th place and not feeling good about a win. We were still having fun and the company was great, so we continued on. Rapid round 4 proved to be our best pull yet of the night, scoring a full set of points. This boosted our pride a bit, who knew we could know so much about the theme Japan! Now we are on to the last rapid round where the theme was 50/50. We did pretty good here and had moved into 4th place for the final question. The category was Art and the question proved to be a win for us. We bid the max and waited for the final scores....while we finished up our drinks.
Owen couldn't be here tonight, as he is team leader over at Rugby's bar on Thursday's. His team there is known as "Gump's Geeks" and a powerful team they are from my hearing of the 3 straight wins in 1st place! Way to go over there. You are missed here when we play on Thursdays, but we understand :)
Now back to the winners, We pulled off a 3rd place win tonight! With "The Pacer's" taking 2nd and the 1st Place team was "The Clemson Tigers". After the game, we met the Pacer's and learned about how they came up with there name.
That's it for now folks, glad you took the time to read and since we NEVER get any Star Trek trivia, I'm going to leave you with a joke.
An oldie, but goodie as they say:
What does a Romulan frog use for camouflage?
-A croaking device.