Friday, January 11, 2013

July 2012 Trivia

July 3, 2012
Tonight's team: Steve, Owen, Mike and myself.  
We were all geared up for the celebration tomorrow that we started enjoying the drinks a bit to early.  We started off missing the Fireworks question.  Continued on the downward spiral of missing some of the easy questions.  However the laughter was in full swing at the table and we were having a good time.  By the Final question, we were only at 39 points (we like to have at least 34 by half time)  So needless to say we bet it all on the Final question and as luck would have it, We lost that too...LOL  Our all time lowest score since we started the team!  After trivia we all went over to see Robbie at the WEG (as we call it) and had a few more drinks there.  BTW...Bad Idea took 1st place tonight.  

July 10, 2012
Players are: Andrea, Amanda, Steve, Owen, Justin, Amoreena, Tru and Myself.
Tonight we are playing against 16 teams!  Talk about some tough competition people, everyone came here to win tonight!  We only missed 1 question in the first 3 rounds of play and only lost 2 points during the half time round.  That was really good considering it was today's music hits.
We only missed 1 question in the next 2 rapid rounds, so we were looking good for the Final Question, feeling that we had the correct answer for sure, we bid the max.  The question was:  What was the best seller before 1936?  Anyone care to take a guess without google helping you out?  I'll get back to this in a few, just in case you are still thinking on it.  This is Andrea's first time playing with us, she is the young lady on the right.  She came out to visit me before her wedding (in 2 weeks), glad she could join us.  
*Look for the answer to the question at the bottom of this post

July 24, 2012
I'm not sure who was on our team tonight, for some reason, I skipped that part of the writing in my notes.  I'm guessing it was our core team.  I'm sure I thought I would blog before 6 months passed and I couldn't remember any more!
The questions were a bit tough, as we took 2nd place with a grand total of only 52 points. 3rd place winner was at 32 points and the 1st place team only had 59 points.

Well that complete's the month of July 2012 and brings me to the oversight of the June 12th game.

June 12, 2012
We joined Owen and played on the "Gump's Geeks" team at the 3rd Base Grill over on South Parkway.
This game was a little different, yet I had a great time playing.  On our team was: Owen, Jim, Steve and Myself.  There are only 4 rounds here with 5 questions per round.  They give a prize at the end of each round and being the new team, Owen had to "show em what we got"  He did a good dance and the game is very relaxed here.  I wish I could remember the winning teams, however I know we won a couple prizes, the guys loved the beer win!  I wouldn't mind playing here sometime again. The only draw back is it's a smoking bar and I'm not a smoker.  I don't think anyone on our team tonight was either.  No matter, it was fun and we were out of there before the chain smoking started.  If you are reading this and think that I'm down on you for smoking, I'm NOT, I just don't want to be subjected to it in close quarters is all.  To each their own.

Now for that little matter of the *question that needs an answer.  How many of you looked it up?  Did anyone really bother to think about it?  Maybe you already know the answer?  If so, leave me a commit and I'll write the correct answer in the commit section over the weekend and YES, honest I will or Steve will do it for me..right Steve?

Ok, I've enjoyed writing and have to go now.  It's girls night out for D2 and I get to host.  Have fun everyone and get out of that little circle you are in and meet some new people, try some new foods and live your lives to the fullest.

Has it really been that long??

Hello Everyone,

I had no idea I had left this blog for so long.  I knew I was working to much and trying to get so many things done.  Gosh, how to even start on catching you up to date.

I was having some health issues and did have surgery back in June 2012.  Of course I can't say that it made me not write, because I attended DeepSouthCon for the whole weekend.  I will admit I was not my normal energetic self at all, yet I had so much fun.

So here we go, going to give you the run down as best I can pull it together.

May 10th, 2012
Steve, Bill, Herman and myself all played trivia.  There were 7 teams and we ended up in 4th place with the team DoubleDoors taking 1st place.

May 15th, 2012
Again there were 7 teams.  Playing tonight was:  Mike, Owen, Steve, Nicole and myself.  We started off doing so good and held our own all the way until the Final Question of the night.  We came in 2nd place and if we had bid 0, we would have held on to 1st place.  You have to love the hindsight of it all.  Taking the first place win tonight was: Bad Idea with only 3 points more than us.

May 17th, 2012  Tonight Steve and I went over to Tommy's Pizza to support Mallory as she hosted the trivia in a new location.

  Owen and Mike weren't up for the challenge tonight.  We didn't place tonight, yet we did have a lot of fun with some of the answers.  May I present your 1st place team:

May 22nd, 2012
We played at Las Trojas tonight.  Steve, Owen, Mike, and myself.  Venton Blandin also joined us for the game.  We played good and there was a packed out house tonight.  We bid the max on the Final round and didn't place at all.  We did have fun and that was what really matters to me.

May 29th, 2012
Tonight we had Steve, Mike and myself playing.  Mark has now joined the team, so everyone meet Mark
Glad to have you join us.

June 19th, 2012

Tonight I met Summer

 & Steve, the new hosts at Las Trojas on hwy 53. They did a great job at hosting.

 Owen, Steve (our Steve, not the host) and myself played against 9 other teams.  We took 1st place with a total of 93 points!  Felt GREAT to win.  I had us some shirts made, we will all be wearing them soon!

 June 26th, 2012
Our team tonight was Steve, Owen and Myself.
I didn't keep the best notes tonight as I can see.  I do know that Clemson Tigers took 1st place with 93 points and in 3rd place was Baker's Dozen.  From our scored, I can tell you we were behind going into the Final round and we bid the max and missed it.  So the only treasure we took home tonight was this napkin where we debated the Final Answer!

This brings us all the way up to July 2012 and I will start there either tomorrow or over the weekend and try to bring us all the way into this New Year!

So now I'm going to leave you with this look at our team shirts.  Thanks for reading and I will try not to let work take over my life.  Until next time...............