Saturday, October 15, 2011

August 9, 2011

Tonight was Owen, Mike, Steve and myself playing. The first question was cool because it was about Sponge Bob Square Pants. Who was his boss at the crab shack? For those of you who don't know it, I still like that series even today. Mr. Crabs is a real MONEY guy! Ok, on to the rest of tonight. The clues posted on Face Book weren't a lot of help, however the night went well. We had 42 points at half time. During rapid round 4 we did get a cool Super Hero question and it was Green Lantern. We ended the game with a 1st Place lead of 90 points! In 2nd place was the Senoritas with 75 points and 3rd place was Something fun and Creative with 59 points.
The phrase I heard tonight that stuck with me was "Jellin like a Felon" Not even sure I spelled that right at all. However if you read this blog, you probably remember it being said.

Well, got to run, it's time to review the next set of video footage and then maybe catch up some more on the blog :) Have fun everyone

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