Tonights team is: Steve, Owen, Justin, Amoreena, Tru and myself. Mike is out enjoying some family time. We started Round 1 with "What is dramamine used for"? I always love the easy question first. We moved thru the first 3 rounds with only missing a 2 point question. The half time question was top 5 hits. As we all know the number one for weeks has been: Set Fire to the Rain by Adele. For those of you who haven't heard it, I will offer you a chance here:
Follow that with Stronger, We are Young, Part of me, and I can't remember the last one.
By half time we were tied for 2nd place with the Tigers in the lead by 2 points. See how important those 2 little points are?
Rapid round 4 was a perfect score. Loved the question of "what is the roman numeral for 400"?
Rapid round 5 we remain strong with knowing "What a conchologists is" I so love the sea shells in Flordia!
For our final question of the night and our hope to gain some ground, It was in US Geography to which we bid the 20 point max and correctly answered the question with Alaska.
This earned us the win for 1st place and a Victory celebration. Oh yeah and the money for 1st place as well. So it was a Wonderful night!
Final scores were: Romero's Rejects (94)
A Team (93)
Clemson Tigers (89)
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