Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 24, 2012

We are all back at Las Trojas again tonight.  We have most of our crew all together, except our anchor Mr. Owen.  So for the record, we have: Steve, Mike, Justin, Amoreena, Tru and myself.  There are only 9 teams playing, which is very odd for a Tuesday night. 
Round 1 was a perfect score, however it was for all the other teams as well.  We moved into Round 2 and were getting them all correct until we reached the sports question.  Justin seemed to know all about the guy, yet couldn't come up with his name in time for the answer to be turned in.  Bobby Valentine was the answer to the Red Sox question.  I'm sure you all know who he is and his job title.
Round 3 would have been the perfect score again, yet we mixed up our North and South on the answer, so as you all know, it doesn't count if you know it and don't write it down correctly. 
The Half Time question was a really cool one and I'm so happy to see them branching out.  It was on Vampires!  We only missed one of these and we had so much fun with all of us getting the different era.  I have to say, this half time question was one of the best ones yet!  I can't wait until they do one on Star Trek or Space Movies...etc.
Ok, back to the game,  Rapid round 4 is a perfect score with Mike having read "Kite Runner"
then in Rapid Round 5 we were so sure of the correct answer for Presidents that we bid the highest on it, of course we didn't get that correct and it was a bit of a set back.  Having heard the question again, we knew how we messed up.  Now that puts us in a close place with the other teams.  We know that for the Final Question of History, we are going to have to out bid the other teams.  With the question read, the guys know the answer and take it up right away.  This giving us the lead to pull off a win tonight.  At the end of the game, we are pleased with our progress and waiting on the other teams. 
3rd place goes to "The Hard rollers" with 72 points
2nd place to "Jump the Shark" with 75 points
and as you all know by now, we owned the game tonight with a total of 82 points and the 1st Place prize....ROMERO'S REJECTS!

That's it for now.  We are thinking of playing tonight out at Tommy's again.  That would be if I can get off work in time.  Getting there at 6:00 makes it a bit difficult for me.  I'm hoping soon it will be at least 6:30.  Well, I best get going and say Hi to all my FB friends who have been missing me.  I need to get this pool open for the summer season.  Have fun everyone and enjoy the sunshine.

April 19, 2012  Tommy's Pizza

Tonight our team is Steve, Billy and myself.  We decided to help raise some awareness for the newest trivia location in Huntsville.  This is cool being close to home for me :)  We arrived early to find the good seats.  We found the sun was a factor in where we wanted to sit for the evening.  The Pizza was amazingly good and there were 5 teams present to play.  This is pretty good for starting up and I'm sure next week there will be more teams.  OK, on to the game!

Round 1 we started off with the State Capital of North Dakota, having spent a week there with the Army National Guard for 200th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. It was a blast and that's what made me remember the answer as Bismarck. 
Round 2 was fun with the music question from AC/DC releasing which album in July 1980 that would be the "Back in Black" album!
Round 3 cost us a 4 point answer because we thought we knew the President answer that we clearly did NOT know.  However after having the answer read, we committed it to memory.
Now the half time question was about the 5 top oil producing States. I'll give you the top 3 and you figure out the last 2 on your own.  Alaska, Texas and North Dakota and that leaves?______________ and ________________.
We are now in 1st place with 32 points
Rapid Round 4 and 5 did us NO good at all.  For the first time in the history of Trivia, we all drew a blank, even on answers that should have been common sense.  So in just 2 rounds, we went from first place to not even in the running.  However we did have lots of fun and the pizza was a nice change from our normal meals.  I must say that I'm looking forward to playing here again soon.  We also were able to hang out with Tommy (the owner) for a little bit.  He was telling us all about his plans for the patio garden.  Now that is going to really make me want to be here playing trivia.  Next all we need is beer specials like they have at Las Trojas and it's a date!  I know what you are thinking, she doesn't drink beer...No I don't, however my buddies all do and they swear nothing goes with pizza like a good cold beer.  So we shall see what becomes of it all.

Oh, I should get back to the winners of tonights game.  From the scores just before the final question, we know that only the Dumbledore's Army was certain of their answer.  Either that or they are a go for broke theory team.  Since this is our first time to play any of these teams, we will have to learn how they function in order to use it for the Final Question bidding. 
in 3rd place with 54 points was the Fighting Mongooses
2nd Place with 63 points "Maximum Velocity Brotherhoods"
Tonights 1st place team was, as you already know from this blog, "Bumbledore's Army" with 81 points!  A BIG win for them tonight. 
That brings us to the end of this game and now only one more before I am completely caught up on this blog.  See you all again soon.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 17, 2012

Several of our team is busy tonight, so it's Mike, Steve and myself.  

Round 1 started off easy enough with the cool movie WALL-E. 

Having enjoyed this movie, it was an easy answer.  In Round 2 we made a BIG mistake and scored ourselves a 0 for that round.  Round 3 proved a little better, however it wasn't the best because we had forgotten where the Cascade Mountain Range was located. 

The only plus side to that round was us knowing all about the current event that is so near and dear to NASA and the Huntsville/Rocket city.  That would be Space Shuttle Discovery

Rapid round 4 we gained all 18 points possible and then in Rapid Round 5 we picked up another 10 points.  With the Final Question, we knew our President question and bid the max.  Our team ended up with 62 for a good comeback.  However we were short in reaching our goal.  The winning teams are:
3rd Place with 72 points "Bad Idea"
2nd Place with 73 points "A Team"
1st Place with 78 points again this week, the "Clemson Tigers"

Quick Update and the April 10, 2012 Game

March 27th was done earlier by SpaceTrucker Steve.  I also didn't make the April 3rd trivia night due to working, however I know that the Romero's Rejects took 1st Place.  I'm Proud of the team.  It was Mike, Steve, and Owen who pulled off this win alone!  Way to go guys!

April 10th

Tonight was Mike, Owen, Jim and myself.  It was a pleasure to have Jim join our team. We will be competing against 15 other teams.

 We started off with missing the Pokemon questions.  The correct answer was Pikachu.  I should have known this one, as my girls have a gold plated card in a case from when it was first released. Sad that I forgot about his name. 

We did know the creator of Family Guy.  We moved into round 2 gaining another 10 points for our team.  In round 3, well let's not even talk about round 3, it was as if the lights went out for us in the sports and Movie questions.  We all knew that Steve would know the movie question with ease, yet he was off in CA enjoying the sunshine...he is missed!
Half time was all about Music.  It started off easy with Bad romance and Jim knew the next one was Brick House...way to go Jim, I had no idea on that one. 
We gained another 25 points in the next 2 rapid rounds.  Now we all know it's down to the Final Question of the night.  It's Historic Event and I would love to tell you what the question was, however I can't remember it and it is only notes here.   I do know the answer has something to do with this:
Even with the correct answer, we didn't place tonight.  However there was a tie for 2nd and 3rd place between Bad Idea and Team Awesome.  Since we weren't in the tie breaker, I didn't really think of the question, however I do know that the answer was 1936 and that was the exact answer given by Team Awesome with Bad Idea guessing 1940.  Does anyone out there remember the question?
Tonights winning teams are:

84 points and in 1st place "Clemson Tigers"
82 points and because of the correct year in the tie breaker, "Team Awesome"
82 points for 3rd place is Bad Idea.

Congrats to the teams and I hope everyone had as much fun as we have!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

March 20, 2012

We had a good size team playing tonight with a new member Brian and our very own:  Owen, Mike, Steve, Tru, Justin, Amoreena and myself.

We started off with a perfect round, I mean how could we not with the questions relating to "The Green Lantern"

Round 2 we were reminded of this groups song lyrics:  http://youtube/qeMFqkcPYcg

Round 3 was another perfect score for us.  Given that we knew the Bible and States pretty good.
Moving into half time was the collective nouns, do you know these?

Bison = Herd
Spiders =
Elk =
Owls =
Coyotes =
I did the first one for you, now fill in the rest.

Rapid round 4 is about 90's Style, this one we owned, as every one of us can remember the 90's very well.  Not that I'm saying anything about age here.

Rapid round 5 was a fairly easy score for us, given that we changed our minds at the last moment and agreed with Owen on the Star question, Glad we did, he was right!

That brings our team to a total of 74 points for the final question.  So we listen to the other teams scores and figure we only need 12 points on the bid to win 1st place.  The category is "Bodies of Water"  when the question is read, we feel sure of our answer but not 100%, so we go with a 12 point bid. To our surprise, we had not heard one of the teams scores correctly and they beat us by 1 point!  Now let me tell you how important that 1 point was...oh never mind, if you have read this much of the blog, YOU already know it was a Game Changer! 
However we are happy with winning and will drink less until after the game next time.  We had a blast and I'm excited to have been a part of the fun.

1st place went to "the Knights"
2nd place to yours truly "Romero's Rejects"
3rd place to "More Cheese Please"

BTW...if we had took the chance and bet the max, we were correct on our Final Answer, just saying!  See you next time my friends

March 13, 2012

We have new Hosts:  Larry and Mallory Miller from right here in Huntsville!  They were even cool enough to allow me to have one of those Awesome Space pens. 

Tonight it's just the 3 of us:  Owen, Steve and Myself. 

The first question was tough for us.  The question was:  Who was asked to be a judge on X Factor with an offer of $10 million and turned it down?  By now everyone knows she is going to get more money and accept. 
Round 2 music question was about the first US concert for the Beatles.  Here is the answer for this question:  http://youtube/CnspiH4xLRw
Round 3 we are doing better and it's on to the Half Time question.  SPORTS
I'm not even going to say much about the sports thing, as we only knew 1 or 2 of them.  Now lets move on to Rapid round 4...oh wait, another sports question in that round and we missed it as well.  On the bright side, it was only our 3 point answer.  Rapid Round 5 is now all ours.  We knew the phrase "Erin guh brawk"  being that we had Irish Mike, the Mayor of the West End Grill. 

That brings us to the Final Question of the night and one that we weren't entirely sure on the answer, so we bet the BIG goose egg and pulled off a 3rd place win!
Here for Beer came in 2nd with 54 points
Bad Idea taking the lead tonight with a grand total of 59 points. 

Catch ya up soon on the rest of the games!