April 24, 2012
We are all back at Las Trojas again tonight. We have most of our crew all together, except our anchor Mr. Owen. So for the record, we have: Steve, Mike, Justin, Amoreena, Tru and myself. There are only 9 teams playing, which is very odd for a Tuesday night.Round 1 was a perfect score, however it was for all the other teams as well. We moved into Round 2 and were getting them all correct until we reached the sports question. Justin seemed to know all about the guy, yet couldn't come up with his name in time for the answer to be turned in. Bobby Valentine was the answer to the Red Sox question. I'm sure you all know who he is and his job title.
Round 3 would have been the perfect score again, yet we mixed up our North and South on the answer, so as you all know, it doesn't count if you know it and don't write it down correctly.
The Half Time question was a really cool one and I'm so happy to see them branching out. It was on Vampires! We only missed one of these and we had so much fun with all of us getting the different era. I have to say, this half time question was one of the best ones yet! I can't wait until they do one on Star Trek or Space Movies...etc.
Ok, back to the game, Rapid round 4 is a perfect score with Mike having read "Kite Runner"
then in Rapid Round 5 we were so sure of the correct answer for Presidents that we bid the highest on it, of course we didn't get that correct and it was a bit of a set back. Having heard the question again, we knew how we messed up. Now that puts us in a close place with the other teams. We know that for the Final Question of History, we are going to have to out bid the other teams. With the question read, the guys know the answer and take it up right away. This giving us the lead to pull off a win tonight. At the end of the game, we are pleased with our progress and waiting on the other teams.
3rd place goes to "The Hard rollers" with 72 points
2nd place to "Jump the Shark" with 75 points
and as you all know by now, we owned the game tonight with a total of 82 points and the 1st Place prize....ROMERO'S REJECTS!
That's it for now. We are thinking of playing tonight out at Tommy's again. That would be if I can get off work in time. Getting there at 6:00 makes it a bit difficult for me. I'm hoping soon it will be at least 6:30. Well, I best get going and say Hi to all my FB friends who have been missing me. I need to get this pool open for the summer season. Have fun everyone and enjoy the sunshine.