Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 17, 2012

Several of our team is busy tonight, so it's Mike, Steve and myself.  

Round 1 started off easy enough with the cool movie WALL-E. 

Having enjoyed this movie, it was an easy answer.  In Round 2 we made a BIG mistake and scored ourselves a 0 for that round.  Round 3 proved a little better, however it wasn't the best because we had forgotten where the Cascade Mountain Range was located. 

The only plus side to that round was us knowing all about the current event that is so near and dear to NASA and the Huntsville/Rocket city.  That would be Space Shuttle Discovery

Rapid round 4 we gained all 18 points possible and then in Rapid Round 5 we picked up another 10 points.  With the Final Question, we knew our President question and bid the max.  Our team ended up with 62 for a good comeback.  However we were short in reaching our goal.  The winning teams are:
3rd Place with 72 points "Bad Idea"
2nd Place with 73 points "A Team"
1st Place with 78 points again this week, the "Clemson Tigers"

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