Thursday, January 9, 2014

Starting 2014 off with a WIN

Tonight we had a lot of fun playing trivia out at Las Trojas on hwy 53.  We missed seeing several friends who usually play on our team.  Maybe they will be back with us next week.  We had 6 on our team for the first game back this year.  Steve, Owen, Mark, Billy, Herman and myself.  I was looking forward to seeing everyone.  While we had played trivia on New Year's Eve, it was very difficult to hear that night.  Paul did a good job hosting, it was just so many people standing near the door who wouldn't shut up during the reading of the questions or answers.  OH well, I digress.  It was great to see the team and the food was good as always.  Before the game started, we were able to present our hosts with a couple gifts they should have received during Christmas.
Now they have a cell phone lock up for cheaters!  Or just what ever they want to use it for.  I loved it because it talks and "arrests and sentences" your phone to jail for a timed amount.  Even has an alarm if you try and open it before the timer expires.  I found it at Bed Bath and Beyond, if I'm not mistaken.  

Once it was 7:00, the game was underway and right off the bat we missed the first question.  Now I'm not into a lot of kid shows of today.  Knowing who the Duncan's are and what the name of the show is was not going to happen for us.  We now know that Good Luck Charlie was the correct answer.
 We moved on to Spelling Bee:  Our word was Privilege.  We wrote it out several ways and were so close, however since we weren't playing with hand grenades, close didn't count.  We were able to get the 3rd question correct and had saved our top bid point for that.  
Moving into round 2, we enjoyed the categories.  Some how I don't think any team missed that the Talking Tuna was named Charlie.  The movie question was who played President Snow in the Hunger Games movie.  That would be Donald Sutherland from Canada.  The sports question was up to the guys, however they did know that the answer was Charlie Strong.
Next round was Weather, movies and tv.   Do you know the answer to this one on your own?  What would 0 degrees fahrenheit be in celsius?  If you don't figure it out before the end of this blog post, I'll give you the correct answer then.  
On to movies.  Winters Bones was the next answer, to which Herman had watched it on his flight back, so we knew that one.  TV was the Host for NBC "The Voice",  that would be Carson Daly.
Now this brings us to half time with being given the top 3 largest states.  We had to name the next 5 largest.  We knew it was Montana, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and we missed the last one. It should have been Colorado.    
By the time half time was over, we had moved into 2nd place.  We really want a first place win, so we decide to kick it up a bit and spent the next 2 rapid rounds getting a perfect score on each of those.  Even with the sudden change of the sports question.  We managed to get that Piscator was a fisherman and the band who did "This love, She will be loved and moves like Jagger" were all done by Maroon 5.  Go ahead and click that link, you know you want to hear it.
Everyone in the Rocket city had to get the next answer of Mike Collins.  
National Parks was the final rapid round.  We all knew that Yellow Stone was the first park in 1872.  I can't remember how the question was worded, however you get the idea here.  Now I was very surprised when Owen said the next answer was The Great Smokey Mountains.  I didn't think that could possibly be the most visited National park.  I mean come on, doesn't everyone know how breath taking the Grand Canyon is?  Yet he was correct and we are thankful he held to his knowledge on that one!  Last answer in that round was Montana.  Where the Glacier National Park is located.
Entering the final round for tonight was the category of Folk Heros.  What country folk lore is William Tell associated with?  We talked it over and thought the best answer was England.  However we were not feeling real sure, so we only bid 12 points.  Turns out that we did good by not bidding more than 12, because the correct answer was Switzerland.  You can find the story HERE .

We closed out the game with Clemson Tigers taking 3rd place
 We held our own and Romero's Rejects claimed 2nd place.  
Guss Malzoff's didn't know the answer, yet had bid 0 to keep holding the 1st place spot.  For a team of 2, hats off to them for the knowledge they have built up.  

That will do it for tonight my friends and I learned that I need to go home and watch "The Usual Suspects".
It's been fun and I hope to see everyone again real soon.

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