Thursday, February 23, 2012

January 3, 2012

We started this new year off with just Mike, Steve and myself.  Our core buddy Owen is enjoying some family time and we miss him!
We missed only the 2 point question in each of the first 3 rounds.  Sports was our half time category and we all admit that it's not our subject!  Moving into the rapid rounds, we gained points very well and even knew the final question which put us in 3rd place for the ending of the night.  The Clemson Tigers came in 2nd and 1st place went to the Hard Rollers.  That was after the tie breaker between those 2 teams.  It wasn't bad to come in only 9 points behind the winning team. This also gave us the last of the money we needed for everyone on the team to spend their winnings.  Next we will start a new system of keeping track of the winnings.  More to that story later on.

Time to close this out and move on into the next game.

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